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Open Educational Resources and Affordable Textbook Fund
Textbook costs significantly increase the financial burden on college students. No student should feel the need to drop out of class because they can’t afford the required materials.
Through the Open Educational Resource and Affordable Textbook programs, the MSU Libraries offers students enrolled in courses with costly textbooks an alternative, peer-reviewed resource for low or no-cost.
Since Fall 2019, the Libraries’ OER program has saved over 57,000 students an estimated $5.8 million.
Don′t let cost be a barrier to education. Donate today to support free, accessible education opportunities for students.
The OER and Affordable Textbook programs were created to provide textbooks and other educational materials to reduce student costs. These resources include textbooks, videos, course modules, homework assignments, digital resources and more.
The average cost of materials per course is $80–$150, and we don’t want undergraduates to have to choose between passing a course and getting enough food to eat. Your support of this program will help students succeed.
Each gift matters. Funds raised will not only support the purchasing and creation of materials for student access at MSU Libraries but also the faculty who are interested in creating open resources and using them as the primary source for their courses.