Honor Roll
Honor Roll
1x Gift Matched 2x Gift Matched x2 3x Gift Matched x3 4x Gift Matched x4
Honors College
Amount Raised $22,005
Academic Scholars Program - AB01022
$25.00 -
$1,000.00 -
$25.00 -
Bess German
$100.00 -
Judith Goodnight
$75.00 -
Katherine Wozniak
$50.00 -
Linda Blauhut
$50.00 -
Michael Kaplan
$100.00 -
Robert McLravy
$250.00 -
Sean Burke
$500.00 -
Susan Cilia
$50.00 -
Thomas Kelley
Bratzel Family Endowment - AB010234
Allison Bratzel
Campbell Hall Renovation for the Honors College - AB01031
Alison Richardson
$50.00 -
Andrew Bratzel
$250.00 -
$25.00 -
Bonnie Cawley
$100.00 -
Caitlyn Dial
$50.00 -
Carolyn Bratzel
$250.00 -
Christopher Hanley
$250.00 -
Claire Bratzel
$50.00 -
Jill Newcom
$50.00 -
Joanne Wood
$500.00 -
Kathryn Reed
$50.00 -
Lorna Ferguson
$1,000.00 -
Melanie Brender
$25.00 -
Monica VanKlompenberg
$25.00 -
Nickole Forget
$500.00 -
Robert Davison
$100.00 -
Sarah Blom
$50.00 -
Steven Thomas
$100.00 -
Thomas Beachum
$75.00 -
Timothy Diller
$100.00 -
Tonya Frisbey
$50.00 -
Vernon Barker
Debate Team Fund - AB01160
Jennifer Desloover
$25.00 -
Laura Anders
Dolan Program Fund - AB0152
Sara Dolan
Dorothy Lawshe Scholarship Fund for GATE Students - AB0161
Lynne Vossler
Honors College - AB01
$150.00 -
$25.00 -
David Snyder
$1,000.00 -
Donna Fillman
$50.00 -
Duane Ross
$100.00 -
Jacqueline Maki
$300.00 -
Janet Hickman
$100.00 -
Kelly Noyes
$500.00 -
Lori Nicholson
$250.00 -
Matthew Petersen
$100.00 -
Patricia Geoghegan
$1,000.00 -
Patricia Glaza
$100.00 -
Rebecca Moulton
Honors College Alumni Association Enrichment Scholarship Fund - AB0129
Gayle Kirker
$100.00 -
James Davoust
Honors College Alumni Distinguished Scholarships Alumni Endowment Fund - AB0136
Alan Wolfe
$250.00 -
Brian Grodsky
$50.00 -
David Bowen
$200.00 -
Linda Patriarca
$100.00 -
Ronald Langley
Honors College Endowed Enrichment Fund - AB011
David Poulson
$50.00 -
Michael Chaudhuri
$100.00 -
Patrick Chiu
$200.00 -
Robin Smith
$100.00 -
Ronald Langley
Honors College Research Fund - AB0101
Brenda Wraalstad
Honors College Research Scholars Program - AB01026
Andrew Maguire
$5.00 -
Barclay & Sonya Key
$250.00 -
Bridgette O'Connor
$20.00 -
Curtis Moore
$20.00 -
Cynthia and Duane Pugh
$100.00 -
Gail Valentine
$100.00 -
Jessica Brandt
$5.00 -
Kevin Guenther
$20.00 -
Linda Blauhut
$50.00 -
Marilyn Hill
$100.00 -
Merry Bolt
$50.00 -
Rebecca Dutch
Honors College Student Emergency Fund - AB01023
Allison Bratzel
$100.00 -
David Bowen
$200.00 -
Jacqueline Maki
$300.00 -
Melinda Baker
Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship Fund - AB01021
Melinda Baker
Julianne Schupbach Honors College Scholarship - AB010230
Thomas Schupbach
MSU Debate Team - AB0116
Alejandro Gusis
$50.00 -
$80.00 -
Bettina Itcovici
$50.00 -
Brandy Johnson
$100.00 -
Caitlin Duffy
$50.00 -
Carly Watson
$10.00 -
Chris Castillo
$25.00 -
Christi Taylor
$100.00 -
Dennis Lefebvre
$1,200.00 -
Dillon Johnson
$20.00 -
Edward Renford
$500.00 -
Gabriela Scully
$50.00 -
Graham Revare
$10.00 -
Gregory Minton
$50.00 -
Greta Stahl
$150.00 -
Kathleen Matlock
$50.00 -
Kathryn Reed
$25.00 -
Kim Kaiser
$100.00 -
Kristin Lewis
$300.00 -
Laura Anders
$75.00 -
Lena Grossman
$100.00 -
Mallory Akard
$20.00 -
MaryLou Moore
$25.00 -
Melanie Brender
$15.00 -
Nick Jarman
$200.00 -
Paul Bellus
$100.00 -
Ruben Itcovici
$25.00 -
Ryan Burke
$200.00 -
Saul Gusis
$25.00 -
Sue Polhamus
$50.00 -
Thomas Lynch
$50.00 -
Virginia Oliva
$100.00 -
Wayne Repko
$1,000.00 -
William Rand
$100.00 -
Zaria Jarman
$35.00 -
henry bald
MSU Debate Team Endowment Fund - AB0117
Irene Matlock
Myrtle Craig Mowbray Scholars Program - AF61
Varsha Monick
Reetz Family Honors College Endowed Scholarship Fund - AB011765
Emily Reetz
Gifts Received 122