Honor Roll
Honor Roll
1x Gift Matched 2x Gift Matched x2 3x Gift Matched x3 4x Gift Matched x4
College of Human Medicine
Amount Raised $48,847
CHM White Coat Fund - AR7011
College of Human Medicine Alumni Association Endowed Scholarship Fund - AR000161
$50.00 -
Barbara Conley
$1,000.00 -
Denise Kopp
$100.00 -
Jennifer McAlister
$100.00 -
Lori Caloia
$500.00 -
Patrick Kowaleski
College of Human Medicine Dean's Endowed Scholarship Fund - AR0019
Adesuwa Olomu
College of Human Medicine Scholarship Fund - AR000193
Robert Koski
College of Human Medicine Student Scholarship Fund - AR000147
Adesuwa Olomu
$100.00 -
$200.00 -
$500.00 -
Charles Cox
$100.00 -
David Petro
$200.00 -
Denise Kopp
$400.00 -
Edward Cox
$100.00 -
Herminia Bierema
$500.00 -
John Rogin
$100.00 -
Katherine Keller
$100.00 -
Kevin Guskiewicz
$500.00 -
Kristy Nicol
$100.00 -
Michael Chafty
$250.00 -
Norman Hubbard
$250.00 -
Patrick Chiu
$200.00 -
Sathyanarayan Sudhanthar
$100.00 -
Steven Downing
$100.00 -
Velarny Rajakariar
$100.00 -
Wanda Lipscomb
$300.00 -
Yakov Sigal
College of Human Medicine Upper Peninsula Program - AR36
Michele Khouli
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics - AR008
Olivia Lambert
Dr. Jennie Orr (Thomas) and Mr. Daniel Thomas Family Medical Education Scholarship - AR000231
Dr. Jennie M. Orr and Daniel Thomas
E. James Potchen Radiology Healing Gardens Endowment - AR205
David Patrick
$2,000.00 -
Erik Shapiro
$100.00 -
Jennifer Hunnell
$25.00 -
Mark DeLano
$2,000.00 -
Ping Wang
$100.00 -
Rosemary Ridsdale
$100.00 -
Sarah Sheafor
John and Val Hickner Endowed Scholarship - AR000101
Tyler Koski
Kathleen A. Assiff Endowed Scholarship in Human Medicine - AR000157
Kathleen Assiff
Lipscomb-Dean Family Endowed Scholarship for Leadership and Service to Community - AR000177
Wanda Lipscomb
MSU Pediatric Public Health Initiative - AR80
Steven Ondersma
Master of Public Health Student Support and Professional Development Expendable Fund - AR31043
Amy Nienhouse
$25.00 -
Aron Sousa
$1,000.00 -
Constance Currier
$50.00 -
Darline ElReda
$200.00 -
David Petro
$100.00 -
Jasmine Hamilton
$50.00 -
Jill Vondrasek
$50.00 -
Judith Burr
$100.00 -
Julia Hackett
$100.00 -
Keosha Corder
$30.00 -
Kimberly Sheets
$5.00 -
Mark Shafer
$100.00 -
Mary Shirkey
$100.00 -
Michael Zaroukian
$100.00 -
Michelle Inman
$100.00 -
Neletha Skelton
$25.00 -
Nicole Jones
$50.00 -
Sharon Hobbs
$50.00 -
Wayne McCullough
Pat Brewer and Ken Betz 'Spartarine' Endowed Scholarship for Human Medicine - AR000130
Janet Osuch
$100.00 -
Mindy Nienhouse
Pediatric Cancer Research - AR22080
Dylan Smythe
RX Kids - AR31044
Beau Gerst
$25.00 -
Claire Head
$25.00 -
Josie Caldwell
$25.00 -
Jude Kuder
$25.00 -
Lauren Boyer
$25.00 -
Megan Mitchell
$10.00 -
Savannah Van Pamel
Spartan Cornerstone Challenge Endowed Scholarship in Human Medicine - AR000144
Alexander Scott
$50.00 -
Amanda Sterling
$50.00 -
Andrew Saxe
$100.00 -
$50.00 -
$50.00 -
Aron Sousa
$1,000.00 -
Christine Patterson
$500.00 -
Danielle Deneau
$100.00 -
Dennis Yamamoto
$500.00 -
Donna Fulton
$100.00 -
Erik Dane
$100.00 -
Jacqueline Taylor
$100.00 -
John Williamson
$100.00 -
Judith Brady
$250.00 -
Katherine Dorshimer
$100.00 -
Katherine Keller
$100.00 -
Kim Lum
$100.00 -
Leonard Fleck
$1,000.00 -
Lisa Borkowski
$500.00 -
Lisa Galbavi
$50.00 -
Lori Caloia
$500.00 -
Mark Weiss
$200.00 -
Mary Shirkey
$100.00 -
Michelle Padley
$50.00 -
Neletha Skelton
$25.00 -
Paula Algranati
$100.00 -
Ron Hsieh
$500.00 -
Ross Ramsey
$500.00 -
Ryan Nowatzke
$100.00 -
Sebastian Peret
$50.00 -
Sharon Jaksa
$100.00 -
Steven Kaatz
$125.00 -
William Humphrey
Translational Neuroscience Fund - AR99
Margaret Fava
West Michigan Spartans Steve Wolf Memorial Scholarship Fund - AR900
Andrew Lebron
$25.00 -
Edward Aboufadel
$100.00 -
Jacqueline Taylor
$100.00 -
Kristine Daugherty
$100.00 -
Lynn Calhoun
Gifts Received 111